What Is A Bulged Disc?


    A bulged disc is a "a fatigue response of a disc, typically occurring over years of wear and tear." A herniated disc can put pressure on the spinal canal and nerve and causing pain and discomfort radiating from the bulged disc. Bulged discs are very common in older adults as spinal discs weaken and degenerate over time and age. A bulged disc can occur from a singular event involving a trauma or harm directly to the disc however it may also occur at any particular time with no direct trauma. Bad posture, smoking, repetitive movements, obesity, genetics, and frequent lifting and carrying of heavy items with incorrect posture can often increase the chances of a bulged disc. 

    Side effects of a bulged disc can include pain in the arms and legs as well as weakness and numbness in those extremities. Depending on the location of the bulged disc the pain can be in the neck, shoulder, glutes, thighs or calves. Symptoms and side effects of a bulged disc may improve with medical treatment. Diagnosis of a bulged disc may require a CT scan, an MRI or a discogram. 

    Having good posture, good core strength, lifting correctly, not smoking, wearing shoes with proper support, maintaining a healthy weight and stretching daily can all minimize the chances of getting a bulging disc. Since a bulged disc is often a cumulation of unhealthy practices, it is important to create healthy and productive habits through Pilates to prevent a bulging disc from happening. Pilates can strengthen your core and back in addition to improving posture and overall creating a healthier lifestyle.


Herniated disc. National Spine Health Foundation. (2023, February 1). https://spinehealth.org/article/herniated-disc/
